Testing Methodology
The general purpose of this test is to serve as many endpoint clients with a single endpoint server without any errors or data loss, while keeping the conditions as relevant as possible to a field deployment of endpoint solution.
Once the SUT is configured, an endpoint is connected to the endpoint server and the downloaded configuration size (Repo xml, Policy, Profile, Fingerprints) is calculated. During preliminary test runs we found that the downloaded configuration resources size drastically affects the network utilization on the endpoint server, and as such can be a possible bottleneck, especially where only 1Gbps connection is available to the endpoint server.
As mentioned before, FIPS was disabled on the endpoint server for this test, due to the fact that the endpoint simulator does not handle the extra overhead FIPS imposes well.
Note: the default FIPS state for Endpoint Servers in DLP versions 8.8.2 and above is disabled. It was deemed unnecessary and overburdens the server. In our test it also caused load related issues to the simulator running machines.