Installing policy updates

Forcepoint researchers update the predefined policies (adding policies or changing existing ones) on a regular basis. Forcepoint researchers also update the predefined content classifiers and file types.

To install the most recent updates:

  1. Download a file containing the latest updates from
    1. Click My Account at the top of the page and enter your login information.
    2. Click the Downloads link in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

      If the Data Security downloads are not listed automatically, click the All Downloads button under “My Downloads.”

    3. Under Forcepoint DLP, select the software version.

      Find version information on the Help > About page in the Forcepoint Security Manager.

    4. If an update exists, it is listed in the Hotfix section. Click the title to open the Hotfix & Patch download page, then click the Download link to download the .zip file. Do not unzip the file.
  2. In the Data Security module of the Security Manager, go to the Settings > General > Policy Updates page.
  3. Click Install Updates in the toolbar at the top of the content pane. (You will be able to view the contents of the update before committing to it.) A wizard launches.
  4. When prompted, browse to the zip file, then click Next.

    The version of your current policies and the new policies is displayed. To see what’s new in the update, click the link that’s provided at the top of the page.

  5. Click Next to install the updated policies and content classifiers. Once started, the update cannot be canceled (though you can later restore an older version).
  6. The Update Process page shows the progress of the update: what’s being added, deleted, and updated.
  7. When the updates have installed successfully, click Next to apply them.
  8. A message confirms the update has completed successfully. Click the link to view a summary of the update, then click Finish.

    The summary screen appears with the details of this update listed in the table. See Viewing your update history section, for a description of this page.