Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned Documents

Use the Scanned Documents page of the Domino discovery task wizard to determine which documents are scanned during the discovery process.


  1. Use Document names are stored in the following field(s) to enter the name of the field or fields that hold document names. If there are multiple field names, separate them with commas. For example: subject, docname, filename.
    By default, the “Subject” field is scanned.
  2. Under Documents and folders to scan, identify the documents and folders included in and excluded from the scan. By default, nothing is included. Click Edit to modify the list.

    Note that only the latest version of the documents is scanned, not the entire document history.

    • Document libraries are represented by folder icons. Click the folder icon with an arrow to display the library one level up in the document management hierarchy. Alternatively, click the breadcrumbs above the list to navigate to another level.
    • Domino documents are represented by file icons. Click a document to show its attachments.
    • Notes Storage Format (NSF) files are represented by an NSF icon. These can include one or many documents. Drill down an NSF by clicking it, or move it to the Include list to scan the entire NSF.
    • Attachments are represented by icons of a file with a paper clip. You can also specify the Notes views to scan.
  3. Under Fields to scan, indicate whether to scan the document body, attachments, or all fields except a selected list.
    • Use Scan document body to enter the name of the field or fields that hold documents’ body text. By default, it is “Body.” If there are multiple field names, separate them with commas. For example: body, content, main.
    • When Scan all other fields is selected, all fields except body, subject, and attachment are scanned.
  4. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.