Emailing discovery task status reports

Use the Email Report page of the discovery task wizard to have a status report on the scanned files sent to an administrator or group alias via email when the discovery task is completed.


  1. Select Email discovery report to enable the email option.
  2. Enter a Sender name for the report. This is the name that appears in the “From” field of the email message.
  3. Enter a Sender email address.
  4. Verify the IP address and port of the outgoing mail server, or see the indication that Exchange Online is selected.

    These settings are configured on the Settings > General > Mail Servers page, under Outgoing Mail Server.

  5. Enter a Subject for the email message. Click the arrow next to the Subject field to include supported variables (like %Task Name%) in the email subject.
  6. Edit the Message body. Default text is provided.

    Click the arrow next to the Message body field to include supported variables (like %Task End Time%) in the email message body.

  7. In the Recipients field, click Edit to select one or more recipients for the emailed report.

    Use the selection window to identify Administrators, Directory entries, or Custom users as message recipients, then click OK.

  8. To manually enter the email addresses of additional recipients, select Additional email addresses, then use the field provided to enter addresses in a comma- separated list.
  9. Click Next, then continue to the Advanced page of the task wizard:
    • File System Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Box Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Database Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced
    • Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced