Adding a high-risk resource

Clicking Add on the Settings > General > Analytics page opens a list of all the business units in the system. Select a business unit to add its users to the high-risk resource group and configure its properties.

Important: When you add a business unit to the high-risk resource group, only the user resources in the business unit are added. Other resource types, like domains, computers, and networks, are not used.
Field Description
Filter by If there is a large number of business units listed, use the filter to narrow down the list.

Select the type of resources in the business unit (high-risk source or privileged account).

You can add only one business unit of each type: that is, one high-risk source and one privileged account.


Select the risk level for this business unit. The High-risk source options are:

  • Risk
  • High risk
  • Very high risk

The Privileged account options are:

  • Privileged
  • High privileged
  • Most highly privileged