Running remediation scripts on incidents

If you have added incident management remediation scripts under Main > Policy Management > Resources > Remediation Scripts, you can run those scripts on incidents in the incident list.

For example, if administrators want to be notified via SMS messages each time a critical incident is intercepted by Forcepoint DLP, then an external executable file that sends SMS notifications can be applied as remediation script.

  1. Select the incident or incidents on which you want to run the script.
  2. From the toolbar, select Remediate > Run Remediate Script.
  3. From the resulting dialog box, select the script to run. A description of the script and the script parameters are shown. You cannot edit these here.
  4. If you want to change the status of the incident once the script has run, select the check box labeled Upon script execution change status to. Select the desired status from the drop-down list.
  5. Click OK.