Discovery reports

Use the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Report Catalog page to see a catalog of all available discovery reports—both built-in and user-defined. The built-in reports are described below.

Click a folder to expand it and see a list of related reports. Click Run to generate the report.

Incident List


View a list of recent incidents, with detailed information on each incident. Evaluate whether policy changes are needed.

Select this report when you want to manage incident workflow, remediation, and escalation.

Discovered Hosts

Hosts with credit card data Find out which hosts contain credit card data, and assess any violated policies on each host.
Hosts with personally identifiable information Find out which hosts contain personally identifiable information, and assess any violated policies on each host.
Hosts with PCI data Find out which hosts contain PCI data, and assess any violated policies on each host.
Hosts with sensitive data Find out which hosts contain sensitive information, and assess any violated policies on each host.
Laptops with sensitive data Find out which laptops contain sensitive information, and assess any violated policies on each host.

Discovered Sensitive Data

Sensitive data on shared folders accessible by everyone Find out was sensitive data was found in shared folders.
Sensitive data on file servers, SharePoint servers, and cloud servers Find out was sensitive data was found on file, SharePoint, and cloud servers (for example, SharePoint 365 and Box).
Sensitive data on laptops Find out was sensitive data was found on laptops
Sensitive data in databases Find out was sensitive data was found in databases.
Sensitive data in private mailboxes Find out was sensitive data was found in private mailboxes.
Sensitive data in public mailboxes Find out was sensitive data was found in public mailboxes.

Discovered Databases

Databases with credit card numbers Find out which databases contain credit card numbers, and assess any violated policies on each database.
Databases with personally identifiable information Find out which databases contain personally identifiable information, and assess any violated policies on each database.
Databases with sensitive data Find out which databases contain sensitive information, and assess any violated policies on each database.
Databases with PCI data Find out which databases contain PCI data, and assess any violated policies on each database.

Discovered Mailboxes

Mailboxes with credit card numbers View which mailboxes contain credit card numbers, and assess any violated policies in each mailbox.
Mailboxes with personally identifiable information View which mailboxes contain personally identifiable information, and assess any violated policies in each mailbox.
Mailboxes with sensitive data View which mailboxes contain sensitive data, and assess any violated policies in each mailbox.
Mailboxes with PCI data View which mailboxes contain PCI data, and assess any violated policies in each mailbox.

Executive Dashboard

Dashboard Provides an at-a-glance view of system metrics for information leaks in the system and the actions being taken on them.


Incident status View the status of all discovery incidents from the last 7 days.