DLP dashboard

The dashboard provides a balanced view and a high-level summary of incidents. It provides an overview of information leaks in the system, what actions are being taken on them, which channels are problematic, and what kinds of violations are being

made. The report provides summaries per channel, severity, and action and provides an overall picture of information leaks on in the network.

As with all Forcepoint DLP reports, you can view the dashboard any time or create a scheduled task to receive it periodically via email.

To access the dashboard:


  1. Select Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention or Discovery.
  2. From the report catalog, select Executive Dashboard.
  3. Remember that all reports represent only incidents from to which the administrator has access.
  4. Click Run to generate the report.

Next steps

The dashboard includes the following sections:

  • Incidents by Severity - This table displays incidents over the last 7 days by severity.
  • Incidents by Action - This table displays incidents by the action taken on them.
  • Top 5 Channels - This table displays incidents by channel. The corresponding pie chart displays the percentage of the total incidents represented by these channels.
  • Top 5 Policies - This table displays incidents in the order of which policy was violated, therefore generating the most incidents. Click Show All to show all policies that were violated.
  • Top 5 Destination URL Categories - This table displays URL categories with the most violations.
  • Top 5 Sources - This table displays the sources that violated policy the most and their severity level. Click Show All to show all sources that violated policy.
  • Top 5 Destinations - This table displays the destinations with the most violations and their severity level. Click Show All to show all destinations that were violated.
  • Top Incidents - This table displays the top incidents as determined by severity, the maximum number of matches, and incident time. This table lists the incident ID, source, destination, severity, policy, and date/time for each incident. Click an ID number for details on the incident. Click Show All to show all incidents.

You can export the dashboard report to a PDF file or view a Print Preview of it. You can also customize the report by selecting Manage Report > Edit Filter. (See

Managing incident reportsfor more details.)

To schedule this report to be delivered by email, see Scheduling tasks.