Imported fingerprinting

Forcepoint DLP offers the option of importing existing fingerprinting classifiers, created in a separate (disconnected) deployment.

To do this:

  1. Create a fingerprinting classifier.
  2. On the Export page of the fingerprinting wizard, export the classifier to a network location.
  3. Later, manually copy the classifier from the network location to the separate (disconnected) Forcepoint DLP deployment.
  4. Use the Import option on the File Fingerprinting or Database Fingerprinting toolbar in the second deployment to import the classifier.
    • Re-import the classifier every time the fingerprinting task is run.
    • The import is incremental, so only changes to the fingerprints are imported.

To import a fingerprinting classifier:

  1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
  2. Under Fingerprints, select either File Fingerprinting or Database Fingerprinting.
  3. Click Import in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.

    A wizard opens. See Import Fingerprint Wizard - Import Source section.