Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler

Use the Scheduler page of the database fingerprinting wizard to determine when to start the scan:


  1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected, fingerprint scans must be started manually.
  2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
  3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
    • For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. as a best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.

      Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.

    • For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box and a time from the spinner.
    • For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to wait between consecutive scans.
  4. Click Next to continue. See Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Fingerprinting Type section.