Discovery dashboard

Use the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Discovery Dashboard page to find:

  • An overview of information leaks in the system
  • What actions are being taken on the leaks
  • Which channels are problematic
  • What kinds of violations are being made

The report provides summaries per channel, severity, and action and provides an overall picture of information leaks on in the network.

View the dashboard in the Security Manager at any time, or create a scheduled task to receive it periodically via email.

To access the dashboard:

  1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Report Catalog page and expand the Executive Dashboard section, if needed.
  2. Click Discovery Dashboard.

    Remember that all reports represent only incidents from to which the administrator has access.

  3. Click Run to generate the report.

The dashboard includes the following sections:

  • Top Policies: the policies that were violated the most frequently and the number of times each was violated.
  • Top Items: the hosts, mailboxes, and tables with the most violations, depending on the type of discovery performed.


  • Export the dashboard report to a PDF file or view a Print Preview, using the buttons at the top of the page.