Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced

Use the Advanced page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to set a schedule for running full scans, and to specify whether or not the discovery process alters file timestamps.


  1. Under Full Scan Schedule, select one of the following options to indicate when to perform full discovery scans:
    • Select Only on policy update to perform discovery only when a discovery policy changes.
    • Select On policy update or fingerprinting classifier update to perform discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
    • Select Always to perform discovery on the scheduled time no matter what has changed.
  2. Under File Access Timestamp, select Preserve original access time to avoid having file access timestamps updated when files are scanned by Forcepoint DLP.

    Then this option is selected, the operating system controls the “Last Accessed” timestamp of scanned files.

    Note: To preserve access time, Forcepoint DLP must have read- write privileges for all hosts where discovery is being performed.
  3. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.