Web DLP policy configuration overview

To configure the web DLP quick policy:


  1. In the Data Security module of the Security Manager, go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies > Web DLP Policy page.
  2. On the Attributes tab, select and enable the attributes to monitor—for example uploaded file type—and configure properties for those attributes. When the configured settings are matched, the policy is triggered.

    See Configuring web DLP policy attributes section.

  3. Select the Destination tab, then specify the websites to which users should not be allowed to send data.

    See Selecting web DLP policy destinations section.

  4. Select the Policy Owners tab, then identify an owner for the policy.

    See Defining web DLP policy owners section.

  5. Click OK
    Note: The web DLP policy cannot be deleted or renamed, but its attributes can be enabled or disabled.