Validating a VPN topology

You can use the SMC API to retrieve a list of VPN topology validation issues.

Note: In this example, the validation has already been done. The example request queries the result of the validation. It does not trigger the validation action.
There are three kinds of validation issues:
  • VPN Global Issues — Issues that affect the whole VPN.
  • GwGw Issues — Issues that affect tunnels between gateways.
  • EpEp Issues — Issues that affect tunnels between endpoints.

Retrieve the list of VPN topology validation issues with this request:

GET http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements/vpn/5/validate

This request returns a 200 HTTP status response code and this result:

"value":"VPN Topology validation detects some warnings/errors for VPN 5, please check it:
GwGw Issues:
  - 66<->67
    -- WARNING: The Gateway Riyadh VPN Gateway is a hub in the Overall Topology, but has no Site in Hub mode in this VPN.
  - 65<->67
    -- WARNING: The Gateway Tunis VPN Gateway is a hub in the Overall Topology, but has no Site in Hub mode in this VPN."