Enabling or disabling sites in a VPN

You can use DELETE requests to change the status of a site in a VPN.

Note: The DELETE request toggles the status of the site. Sites in the enabled sites list are moved to the disabled sites list. Sites in the disabled sites list are moved to the enabled sites list.

After opening the VPN topology, use this request to disable a site in a VPN:

DELETE http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements/vpn/5/gateway_tree_nodes/satellite/66/sites/enabled/68

The site is removed from the enabled sites list and added to the disabled sites list.

After opening the VPN topology, use this request to enable a site in a VPN:

DELETE http://localhost:8082/7.1/elements/vpn/5/gateway_tree_nodes/satellite/66/sites/disabled/68

The site is removed from the disabled sites list and added to the enabled sites list.