Start the Convert Engine to Master Engine and Virtual Engines wizard

Start the conversion tool and define general properties for the Master Engine and Virtual Engines.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration.
  2. Right-click a Single Engine or Engine Cluster and select Configuration > Convert to Master Engine and Virtual Engine(s).
    The Convert Engine to Master Engine and Virtual Engines wizard starts.
  3. (Optional) Select a Engine on which to base the configuration from the Base Configuration On list.
  4. Enter the Number of Virtual Engines to create.
    The specified number of Virtual Resources are added to the table, and a Virtual Engine is associated with each Virtual Resource.
  5. (Recommended) Double-click the Virtual Resource Name field and edit the automatically generated Virtual Resource Name for each Virtual Engine.
  6. (Recommended) Double-click the Virtual Engine Name field and edit the automatically generated Virtual Engine Name for each Virtual Engine.
  7. Click Next.
    The Define Basic Information for the Master Engine page opens.
  8. Enter a Name for the Master Engine.
    The name is also used to automatically generate the names of the nodes.
  9. Select the Log Server to which the Master Engine sends its log data.
  10. (Optional) In DNS IP Addresses field, add one or more DNS IP addresses.
    DNS IP addresses are IP addresses of external DNS servers. Master Engines use these DNS servers to resolve Domain names to IP addresses. Master Engines need DNS resolution to contact services that are defined using URLs or domain names, and to resolve fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) used in policies.
    • To enter a single IP address manually, click Add and select IP Address. Enter the IP address.
    • To define an IP address using a network element, click Add and select Network Element.
  11. Select the Location for this Master Engine if there is a NAT device between this Master Engine and other SMC components.
  12. Define other settings according to your environment:
    • To include the Master Engine in predefined categories, select the appropriate Categories.
    • To add custom commands to the Master Engine’s right-click menu, add a Tools Profile.
    • Add, edit, or remove nodes.
  13. Click Next.
    The Define Interfaces for the Master Engine page opens.

Convert Engine to Master Engine and Virtual Engines wizard

Use this wizard to convert a Single Engine or a Engine Cluster element to a Master Engine and Virtual Engine elements.

Option Definition
Base Configuration on Specifies the engine on which you want to base the configuration.
Number of Virtual Engines Specifies the number of Virtual Engines to create.
ID Shows the ID number of the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
Virtual Resource Name Shows the automatically generated Virtual Resource Name for each Virtual Engine.

Change the name by double-clicking the cell.

Virtual Engine Name Shows the automatically generated Virtual Engine Name for each Virtual Engine.

Change the name by double-clicking the cell.



A comment for your own reference.
Option Definition
Define Basic Information for the Master Engine page
Virtual Engine Type Shows the role of the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
Name Adds a name to the engine.

The name is also used to automatically generate the names of the nodes.

Log Server Specifies the log server to which the engines send their event data.
DNS IP Addresses


The IP addresses of the DNS servers that the Master Engine uses to resolve domain names.
  • Malware signature mirror
  • Domain names
  • URL filtering categorization services
Add Adds a single IP address or network element to the DNS IP Addresses list.
Remove Removes a single IP address from the DNS IP Addresses list.
Location Specifies the location for the engine if there is a NAT device between the engine and other SMC components.
SNMP Agent Enables the engine to send SNMP traps.
SNMP Location Specifies the SNMP location string that is returned on queries to the SNMPv2-MIB or SNMPv2-MIB-sysLocation object.


Includes the element in predefined categories. Click Select to select a category.
Tools Profile Adds custom commands to the engine right-click menu.


A comment for your own reference.
Nodes table
Node ID Shows the ID number of the node. Not editable.
Name Shows the name of the node.

Change the name by double-clicking the cell.

Configuration Status Shows the configuration status of the node.
Version Shows the version of the node.


A comment for your own reference.
Disabled When selected, disables the node.
Add Node Opens the Engine Node Properties dialog box that allows you to add an engine node to the Nodes list.
Edit Node Opens the Engine Node Properties dialog box.
Remove Node Removes the engine node from the Nodes list.
Option Definition
Define Interfaces for the Master Engine page
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
New Creates an interface of the specified type:
  • Physical Interface
  • VLAN Interface
  • IPv4 Address
  • IPv6 Address
  • Tunnel Interface
  • Expand All — Expands all levels of the interface tree.
  • Collapse All — Collapses all levels of the interface tree.
  • Refresh View — Updates the interface tree.
Add Creates an interface of the specified type:
  • Physical Interface
  • VLAN Interface
  • IPv4 Address
  • IPv6 Address
  • Tunnel Interface
Edit Allows you to change the interface properties.
Remove Removes the selected interfaces from the table.


Opens the Interface Options dialog box that specifies the system communication roles of the interfaces, and the Loopback IP addresses.
ARP Entries Opens the ARP Entry Properties dialog box that allows you to add ARP entries for the engine elements.
Virtual Resources Opens the Virtual Resources dialog box.
Option Definition
Distribute Tunnel Interfaces to Virtual Engines page
Name Shows the name of the Tunnel Interface.

Double-clicking the cell opens the Tunnel Interface Properties dialog box.

IP Address Shows the IP address of the Tunnel Interface if an IP address has been defined.
Zone Shows the network zone of the Tunnel Interface if the zone has been defined.


A comment for your own reference.
Internal Gateway Shows the SD-WAN Gateway element associated with the Tunnel Interface if a SD-WAN Gateway has been defined.
Virtual Engine Adds the Tunnel Interface to the selected Virtual Engine.
Option Definition
Review Distribution of Internal Gateways to Virtual Engines page
Gateway Shows the SD-WAN Gateway element associated with the Single Engine or Engine Cluster on which the configuration is based. Not editable.
Endpoint 1 IP Address Shows the endpoint IP address associated with the Virtual Engine.

Double-clicking the cell opens the Properties dialog box for the endpoint.

Endpoint 1 Phase-1 ID Shows the value of the ID Value field defined in the Properties dialog box for the endpoint. No value is shown if IP Address is selected in the ID Type list.

Double-clicking the cell opens the Properties dialog box for the endpoint.

Virtual Resource Shows the Virtual Resource element that is associated with the interface that has the endpoint IP address.
Virtual Engine Adds the endpoint IP address to the selected Virtual Engine.
Option Definition
Define Routing for the Master Engine page
Navigation pane The navigation pane on the left shows types of elements that can be added to the routing tree.
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
Up Navigates up one level in the navigation hierarchy. Not available at the top level of the navigation hierarchy.
New Creates an element of the specified type.
Tools Show Deleted Elements — Shows elements that have been moved to the Trash.
Routing tree pane The routing tree pane on the right shows the routing configuration for each interface.
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
New Creates an element of the specified type.
  • Expand All — Expands all levels of the routing tree.
  • Collapse All — Collapses all levels of the routing tree.
  • Refresh View — Updates the routing tree.
Option Definition
Select Additional Configuration Options page
Define Additional Master Engine Properties Enables more configuration options.
Option Definition
Define Tester Settings for the Master Engine page
Alert Interval Specifies the time in minutes the system waits before sending a new alert when the same test keeps failing repeatedly. The default value is 60 minutes.
Note: If the interval is too short, the alerts can overload the system or the alert recipient.
Delay After Specifies the time in seconds that the engine waits before it resumes running the tests after the listed events. The delays prevent false test failures that can occur due to variations in how quickly different processes and subsystems can start and stop.
  • Boot — The default is 30 seconds.
  • Reconfiguration — The default is 5 seconds.
  • Status Change — The default is 5 seconds.
Note: The maximum value for all options is 1800.
Auto Recovery When selected, the engine automatically goes back online when a previously failed test completes successfully.
Note: Make sure to run the test in both online and offline states.
Boot Recovery When selected, the engine automatically goes back online after a reboot, or after an event such as a power failure or system crash, if all offline tests report a success.
Global Node Selection for Engine Tests
Search Opens a search field for the selected element list.
Tools Refresh View — Refreshes the list of elements.
Active Shows whether the node is included in the tests that have been configured for the engine. Deselect to exclude a node from all engine tests.
Tip: If you select ALL for the Node setting in the test properties, you can use the Global Node Selection for Engine Tests table to exclude a specific node from the test.
Name Specifies the name of the node.
Node Specifies the node ID.
Set to Default Returns tester changes to the default settings.
Engine Tests
Search Opens a search field for the selected element list.
Tools Refresh View — Refreshes the list of elements.
Name Specifies the name of the test.
Active Shows whether the test is active. Deselect to deactivate a test.
Node Specifies whether the test applies to all nodes or a selected node.
Interval Specifies how often the test is run. The minimum interval is one second and the maximum is 86400 (one day).
Note: We recommend a minimum interval of four seconds. Running a test too frequently can increase overhead.
States Shows the engine states on which the test is run.
Action Specifies which action is taken if the test fails, and which type of notification is sent.
Parameters Specifies more parameters for the test.
Add Adds the test to the Engine Tests table:
  • External — Runs a custom script stored on the engine. If the script returns the code zero (0), the test is considered successful, otherwise the test is considered failed.
  • File System Space — Checks the free disk space on a hard disk partition.
  • Free Swap Space — Checks the available swap space on the hard disk.
  • Inline Pair Link Speed — Checks whether the network settings (speed/duplex) match on the two ports that form the inline pair and can force ports to use the same settings. Not available in the Engine/VPN role.
  • Link Status — Checks whether a network port reports the link as up or down.
  • Multiping — Sends out a series of ping requests to determine whether there is connectivity through a network link.
  • Policy — Checks whether a new policy is activated on the engine. This option is intended for sending SNMP notifications.
Edit Allows you to change the test properties.
Remove Removes the test from the test entry table.
Option Definition
Define Permissions for the Master Engine page
Add Opens the Select Element dialog box that allows you to add an element to the Access Control Lists.
Remove Removes the elements from the Access Control Lists.
Add Permission Adds the permission to the Permissions table.
Remove Permission Removes the permission from the Permissions table.
Local Administrators
Administrator Specifies the name of the local administrator, if local administrators have been defined for the engine.
Info Specifies whether executing root-level commands with the sudo tool is allowed for the Local Administrator.
Allowed Policies Shows the allowed policies for the Master Engine.
Add Adds the element to the Allowed Policies list.
Set to Any Allows the installation of any policy.
Remove Removes the elements from the Allowed Policies list.
Option Definition
Define Advanced Settings for the Master Engine page
System Parameters
Encrypt Configuration Data By default, the configuration of the engine is stored in an encrypted format.

When selected, disables the encryption only if instructed to do so by Forcepoint Technical Support.

Contact Node Timeout

The maximum amount of time the Management Server tries to connect to an engine.

If the engine has a dynamic IP address, the Contact Node Timeout is the maximum amount of time that the engine tries to contact the Management Server. If the connection to the Management Server fails, the engine automatically tries to reconnect to the Management Server.

A consistently slow network connection might require increasing this value. The default value is 60 seconds.

Note: Setting the timeout value too short or too long can delay or prevent contact between the Management Server and the engines.
Auto Reboot Timeout Specifies the length of time after which an error situation is considered non-recoverable and the engine automatically reboots.

The default value is 10 seconds.

Note: Set to 0 to disable.
Policy Handshake

When selected, the nodes automatically roll back to using the previously installed policy if connectivity is lost after installing a new policy.

Without this feature, you must switch to the previous configuration manually through the engine's boot menu.

Note: We recommend adjusting the timeout (next setting) rather than disabling this feature completely if there is a need to make changes.
Rollback Timeout Specifies the time the engine waits for a management connection before it rolls back to the previously installed policy when the Policy Handshake option is active.

The default value is 60 seconds.

Automated Node Certificate Renewal

When selected, the engine's certificate for system communications is automatically renewed before it expires. Otherwise, the certificate must be renewed manually.

Each certificate for system communications is valid for three years. If the certificate expires, other components refuse to communicate with the engine.

Note: Does not renew SD-WAN certificates for Virtual Engines. Automatic certificate renewal for internally signed SD-WAN certificates is set separately in the SD-WAN settings for the Virtual Engines.
FIPS-Compatible Operating Mode

(Engines only)

(Not Virtual Engines)

When selected, activates a mode that is compliant with the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
Note: You must also select FIPS-specific settings in the Secure SD-WAN Configuration Wizard on the command line of the Secure SD-WAN Engine. For more information, see How to install Forcepoint FlexEdge Secure SD-WAN in FIPS mode.
Log Handling Specifies the settings related to adjusting logging when the log spool on the engines fills up or when the number of Antispoofing and Discard logs grows too high.
Note: You can adjust the logging of Antispoofing and Discard logs also for specific interfaces.

(Engine Clusters only)

Specifies the settings related to the communications between cluster members and load-balancing between the nodes.
Traffic Handling
Connection Tracking Mode
When enabled, reply packets are allowed as part of the allowed connection without an explicit Access rule.
  • Normal — Default connection tracking mode for engines.

    The engine drops ICMP error messages related to connections that are not currently active in connection tracking. A valid, complete TCP handshake is required for TCP traffic. The engine checks the traffic direction and the port parameters of UDP traffic.

  • Loose — The engine allows some connection patterns and address translation operations that are not allowed in the Normal mode. This mode can be used, for example, if routing is asymmetric and cannot be corrected or if the use of dynamic routing protocols causes the Engine to receive non-standard traffic patterns.
  • Strict — The engine does not permit TCP traffic to pass through before a complete, valid TCP handshake is performed.

You can override this engine-specific setting and configure connection tracking for TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic in Access rules.

Virtual Defragmenting When selected, fragmented packets are sent onwards using the same fragmentation as when they arrived at the engine.

When the engine receives fragmented packets, it defragments the packets for inspection. The original fragments are queued on the engine until the inspection is finished. If the option is not selected, the packets are sent onwards as if they had arrived unfragmented.

Strict TCP Mode for Deep Inspection This option is included for backward compatibility with legacy software versions.
Default Connection Termination in Inspection Policy Defines how connections that match rules with the Terminate action in the Inspection Policy are handled.
  • Terminate and Log Connection — Stops the matching connections. This option is the default setting.
  • Only Log Connection — Does not the stop matching connections. Creates a Terminate (passive) log entry for the matching connections. This option is useful for testing which types of connections are stopped.

You can override this engine-specific setting in the Inspection Policy.

Policy Routing Specifies the policy routing settings.
Idle Timeouts Specifies the settings for general connection timeouts.
SYN Rate Limits Specifies the settings for configuring limits for SYN packets sent to the engine.

You can also configure SYN Rate Limits for specific interfaces.

Scan Detection Specifies the scan detection settings.

You can override the engine-specific settings in Access rules.

Option Definition
Review Basic Information for Virtual Engines page
Basic Information for Shows the name of the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
Name Shows the automatically generated Virtual Engine Name for the Virtual Secure SD-WAN Engine.
Virtual Resource Shows the Virtual Resource element associated with the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
Master Engine Shows the Master Engine that hosts the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
DNS IP Addresses Shows the DNS servers that the Master Engine uses to resolve domain names.
Add Adds a single IP address or network element to the DNS IP Addresses list.
Remove Removes a single IP address or network element from the DNS IP Addresses list.


Includes the element in predefined categories. Click Select to select a category.


A comment for your own reference.
Option Definition
Review Interfaces for Virtual Engines page
Interface Information for Shows the name of the Virtual Engine. Not editable.
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
New Not available.
  • Expand All — Expands all levels of the interface tree.
  • Collapse All — Collapses all levels of the interface tree.
  • Refresh View — Updates the interface tree.


Opens the Interface Options dialog box that specifies the roles of the interfaces, and the Loopback IP addresses.
ARP Entries Opens the ARP Entry Properties dialog box that allows you to add ARP entries for the engine elements.
Multicast Routing Opens the Multicast Routing Properties dialog box, where you can configure multicast routing.
Option Definition
Review and Edit Routing for Virtual Engines page
Routing for Select the Virtual Engine for which you want to view or edit routing.
Navigation pane The navigation pane on the left shows types of elements that can be added to the routing tree.
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
Up Navigates up one level in the navigation hierarchy. Not available at the top level of the navigation hierarchy.
New Creates an element of the specified type.
Tools Show Deleted Elements — Shows elements that have been moved to the trash.
Routing tree pane The routing tree pane on the right shows the routing configuration for each interface.
Search Activates the type-ahead search field.
New Creates an element of the specified type.
  • Expand All — Expands all levels of the routing tree.
  • Collapse All — Collapses all levels of the routing tree.
  • Refresh View — Updates the routing tree.
Option Definition
Review NAT Definitions for Virtual Engines page
NAT Definitions for Specifies the Virtual Engine for which NAT definitions are shown.
Use Default NAT Address for Traffic from Internal Networks The Engine uses the default NAT address as the Public IP Address if there is not a more specific NAT definition that matches the traffic. When you select this option, a NAT rule is generated at the end of the NAT rules in the Engine Policy. If no NAT rule matches the traffic, no NAT is applied unless you enable the Default NAT Address.
Show Details Opens the Default NAT Address Properties dialog box.
Add NAT Definition Creates a NAT Definition element and opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box.
Edit NAT Definition Opens the NAT Definition Properties dialog box for an existing NAT Definition element.
Remove NAT Definition Removes the selected row from the table.
Previous Navigates back to the previous wizard page.
Next Navigates to the following wizard page.