Change the interfaces and routing for converted Virtual Engine elements

The Virtual Engine interface configuration is automatically generated based on the Master Engine interface configuration. Some settings can be adjusted.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Click Options to select which IP addresses are used in particular roles in system communications.
  2. (Optional) Add ARP Entries.
  3. (Optional) Click Multicast Routing to define static multicast or IGMP-based multicast forwarding (IGMP proxying).
  4. Click Next.
    The Review and Edit Routing for Virtual Security Engines page opens.
  5. Review and edit the routing.
  6. Click Next.
    The Review NAT Definitions for Virtual Security Engines page opens.
  7. Continue the configuration in one of the following ways:
    • If you want to add NAT definitions, review the NAT definitions for the converted Virtual Engine elements.
    • Otherwise, click Next. The Select Additional Configuration Options page opens.