Create Upload Policy Tasks

Create a Task for uploading a policy on selected engines.

For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.


  1. Select Configuration, then browse to Administration.
  2. Right-click Tasks, then select New > Upload Policy Task.
  3. Give the Task a descriptive Name and optionally a free-form Comment.
  4. Select the engines on which you want to upload the policy, the Domains on which you want to upload the Alert Policy from the list on the left. Click Add.
    The selected elements are added to the list on the right.
  5. (Only if engines or Domains are selected as the Target). Click Select next to the Policy field, then select the policy you want to upload.
    Note: If engines are the Target of the Task and you want already established connections to continue using the same configuration information (such as NAT rules), verify that Keep Previous Configuration Definitions is selected.
  6. (Optional, only if Domains or a single engine is the Target). To validate the rules when the Task is started manually, verify that Validate Policy before Upload is selected, then select the related settings.
  7. (Optional) Add an Upload Comment that is shown in Policy Snapshots or Alert Policy Snapshots created from the policy installations.
  8. Click OK.
    The new Upload Policy Task is added to the list of Task Definitions.

Upload Policy Task Properties dialog box

Use this dialog box to upload the selected policy to the selected engines.

Option Definition
Elements Shows the engines and Domains that you can refresh the policy on.
Search Opens a search field for the selected element list.
Up Navigates up one level in the navigation hierarchy. Not available at the top level of the navigation hierarchy.
  • New — Creates an element of the specified type.
  • Show Deleted Elements — Shows elements that have been moved to the Trash.
Add Adds the selected elements to the Target list.
Remove Removes the selected elements from the Target list.
Target Shows the elements that you have selected.
Policy Shows the policy to upload.
Select Opens the Select Element dialog box.
Upload as Specify whether to upload as an alternative policy or a normal policy.
Keep Previous Configuration Definitions When selected, the previous configuration is kept.
Validate Policy before Upload When selected, validation checks are performed.
Select Settings Opens the Validate Policy dialog box.
Upload Comment An optional comment for your own reference.