Viewing information about endpoint-to-endpoint tunnels
You can use GET requests to list the tunnels between endpoints in a VPN, and to view information about a specific endpoint-to-endpoint tunnel.
After opening the VPN topology, use this request to list the endpoint-to-endpoint tunnels for a specific gateway:
GET http://localhost:8082/7.2.1/elements/vpn/5/tunnels/ADcAOw==/endpoints
The request returns a 200 HTTP status response code and this result:
"name":"Gateway EndPoint Tunnel 106-114",
Use this request to view information about a specific endpoint-to-endpoint tunnel:
GET http://localhost:8082/7.2.1/elements/vpn/5/tunnels/ADcAOw==/endpoints/AGoAcg==
The request returns a 200 HTTP status response code and this result: