Recommendations for remote users

The simplest solution for remote users is to install F1A, F1E proxy connect endpoint, or F1E direct connect endpoint on the client machine. Installing the endpoint client, either for roaming users or all users, ensures all web traffic receives policy enforcement from the cloud service, and users are authenticated seamlessly. When the endpoint client cannot connect to the cloud service, it allows Internet use to continue, applying filters that have been cached to provide as much protection as possible (known as Fallback mode).

For cases where the endpoint client cannot be installed:
  • Ensure that roaming users have a PAC file configured in their browser in order to direct web requests to the service. See Configuring browsers for a proxy service on the Forcepoint Support site for instructions.
  • Use the Alternate PAC file address given on the Web > Settings > General page (or the policy-specific PAC file URL displayed on the General tab of your policy. This accesses the PAC file over port 80/443, which can address some issues with using the service from public networks.

For guidance on resolving specific issues that can arise for roaming users without an endpoint client installed, see How the service works for roaming users on the Forcepoint Support site.