Category list

The cloud service uses the Forcepoint URL Database, which organizes similar websites (identified by URLs and IP addresses) into categories. Each category has a descriptive name, like Adult Material, Gambling, or Peer-to-Peer File Sharing.

The categories include the following:

  • Advanced Malware Command and Control focuses on outbound network transmissions from a compromised machine to a malicious command and control center
  • Advanced Malware Payloads focuses on inbound network transmissions of payloads intended to exploit a machine
  • Mobile Malware focuses on malicious websites and applications that are designed to run on mobile devices
  • Unauthorized Mobile Marketplaces focuses on websites that potentially distribute applications that are unauthorized by the mobile operating system manufacturer, the handheld device manufacturer, or the network provider. (Traffic to websites in this category may be a sign of a jailbroken or rooted device.)

You can also create your own, custom categories or import a custom category file (in CSV format) to group sites of particular interest to your organization (see Configure custom categories). Together, the Forcepoint URL Database categories and user- defined categories form the basis for Internet filtering.

Note: Categories are designed to create useful groupings of the sites of concern to subscribing customers. They are not intended to characterize any site or group of sites or the persons or interests who publish them, and they should not be construed as such. Likewise, the labels attached to categories are convenient shorthand and are not intended to convey, nor should they be construed as conveying, any opinion or attitude, approving or otherwise, toward the subject matter or the sites so classified.

Go to the Web > Settings > Forcepoint URL URL Database Categories link in the cloud portal to see an up-to-date list of Forcepoint URL Database categories.

To suggest that a site be added to the Forcepoint URL Database, use the Forcepoint Site Lookup Tool. To access the tool:

  1. Log in to your support account at
  2. From the Tools & Links menu, click Site Lookup Tool.