Login options

The administrators Login options determine how administrators are allowed to sign in to the portal and are enabled only when Administrator Single Sign-on is enabled. See Administrator single sign-on for more information.

Select the sign in method to be used by administrators to access the cloud portal.

  • Password only: Selected by default, this option is always used when administrator single sign-on has not been enabled and configured. Administrators are required to enter a user name and password if this option is selected. When two-factor authentication is enabled, administrators are prompted to enter the code displayed on their authenticator app.
  • SSO + Password: When this option is selected, administrators may sign in to the cloud portal using a user name and password, or the single sign-on option. When two-factor authentication is enabled, administrators using the password option are prompted to enter the code displayed on their authenticator app.
  • SSO: Administrators must sign in to the portal using single sign-on. If necessary, administrators who have Managed User permissions are allowed to sign in using a user name and password as a fallback option. If this fallback option is used, and two-factor authentication is enabled, administrators are prompted to enter the code displayed on their authenticator app.

When using the SSO related login options, you must access the portal with the following link https://admin.forcepoint.net/portal.

If enabling SSO Only - remember to review your existing Administrator permissions and remove the Manage User permission from any Administrator that should not be able to login using their username and password as a fallback option.