Social Media reports

Report Name Description
Detailed Social Media Site Report A detailed report of all social media transactions in the last 7 days.
Facebook Categories by Browse Time Browse times for sites in the Facebook parent category in the last 7 days.
Social Networking Domains by Bandwidth Bandwidth used for the top 10 domains in the Social Networking category in the last 7 days.
Top Facebook users by Bandwidth Bandwidth used by the top 10 Facebook users in the last 7 days.
Top Social Media Trends A line chart for sites in the top 10 social media categories accessed in the last 7 days.
Top Social Media Users The top 10 users requesting sites in social media categories in the last 7 days.
Top Social Media Users and Categories The top 10 users requesting sites in social media categories in the last 7 days, grouped by category.
Top Social Media Users and Parent Categories The top 20 users requesting sites in social media categories in the last 7 days, grouped by parent category.
Top Social Networking Users by Bandwidth Bandwidth used by the top 10 social networking users in the last 7 days.