Productivity reports

Report Name Description
Blocked Request Details Full details of all blocked requests in the last 7 days.
Browsing Times of Groups and Users The top ten users with the highest browse time for the top ten groups.
Top Blocked Domains Which blocked sites are requested most and report on filtering effectiveness. (If there are legitimate business use sites, consider recategorizing those URLs so you can permit them while blocking the category.)
Top Blocked Users Which users request the most blocked sites. Consider refining the organization's Internet use policy to address productivity concerns.
Top Categories for Blocked Sites Which blocked categories are requested most. Report on filtering effectiveness. If there are legitimate business use sites in these categories, consider recategorizing those URLs so you can permit them while blocking the category.
Top Groups for Blocked Sites Which groups of users have their Internet requests blocked most. Discover potential productivity issues, and report on filtering effectiveness. (If legitimate business use sites are being blocked, consider recategorizing those URLs so you can permit them while blocking the category.)
Top Policies for Blocked Sites The top 10 policies that have requested blocked sites.
Top Productivity Loss Users Which users spent the most time on possible productivity reduction sites.
Top Productivity Site Users The top 10 users who have accessed sites in the Productivity category.
Top Quota Time Categories The top 10 categories that contain sites accessed using quota time.