RBI Profile

Provides a list of the RBI profiles configured for your organization. From this tab, you can create new profiles or view, edit, delete, and duplicate existing profiles.

RBI profiles specify the behavior and capabilities of RBI for a given isolated session. Example of Profile options you can configure include:

  • Browser Context Menu: Use Native or RBI context menu (RBI is more secure)
  • Clipboard Control: Control whether System (OS/Native Browser) context menu may interact with Isolated session and vice versa.
  • Advertisement control: Block Ads in RBI without the need for a plugin or Browser Extension. Also reduces bandwidth and site is more secure when blocked.
  • File Downloads: Control what file types may be downloaded, if any. Also specify process, like Forcepoint's ZT-CDR.
  • File Uploads: Control what files may be Uploaded, if any. Also specify process, like Forcepoint's ZT-CDR.
  • Printing: Enable/Disable printing.

Table 1. RBI Profile Tab - Fields
S.No. Field Name Description
1 RBI Profile Name Shows the profile name.
2 Description Shows information on the RBI profile.
3 Secure Rendering Shows the options for controlling the browsing experience.
4 Clipboard Control Shows the settings for allowing copy-paste between endpoint and remote browser and vice-versa.
5 Advertisement Control Shows the settings for controlling ad display in remote sessions.
6 Browser Preferences Shows the action the browser will take when navigating to websites having bad TLS certificates.
7 File Downloads Shows the settings for allowing file download on remote browser sessions.
8 File Uploads Shows the settings for allowing file download on remote browser sessions.
9 Printing Shows the settings for allowing printing on remote browser sessions.
10 Created On Shows the date the profile was created.
11 Last Update Shows the date the profile was last updated.
12 Created By Shows the user who created the profile.
13 Updated By Shows the user who updated the profile.