Configuring Auto-scaling group

  1. From the AWS webpage search for EC2.
  2. From the left navigation pane, select Auto Scaling Groups.
  3. Select the group name that looks similar to "xxxxx-NGFWAutoscalingGroup-xxxxx".
  4. On the group details screen, select the Edit button.
  5. Increase the desired capacity, minimum and maximum capacity as required, and then click Update when finished.

Optional, but recommended

The auto-scaling group is deployed without a dynamic scaling policy to let the user the flexibility to customize this. They can be configured in a dew options like Average CPU, network in, and network out.

Once the deployment is completed, NGFW engines listed inside the SMC web interface are displayed in green color within 5 minutes.

Refer to Engine states for more information on the different status colors visible in the SMC UI during the configuration of the NGFW engines.