Start the NGFW Configuration Wizard on the command line

Start the NGFW Configuration Wizard to configure settings for the Forcepoint NGFW engine.

Tip: You can run the NGFW Configuration Wizard at any time using the sg-reconfigure command on the engine command line.


  1. If you are configuring a physical device, connect to the Forcepoint NGFW appliance.
    1. Connect the Forcepoint NGFW appliance to a laptop or other client device using a serial cable.
    2. On the client device, use a terminal console program to connect to the NGFW appliance with these settings:
      • Bits per second — 115,200
      • Data bits — 8
      • Parity — None
      • Stop bits — 1.
      Note: The serial console port speed is 115,200 bps in most NGFW appliances. The speed is 9600 bps in older NGFW appliance models. See the hardware guide for your NGFW appliance model for more information.
    3. Connect the network cables to the Forcepoint NGFW appliance.
  2. Turn on the Forcepoint NGFW appliance.
  3. Start the NGFW Configuration Wizard.
    Note: On some appliance models, the NGFW Configuration Wizard starts automatically.
    1. Press Enter to activate the console.
    2. When you are prompted to start the NGFW Configuration Wizard, type Y, then press Enter.
  4. Select the role for the NGFW Engine.
    If you have an NGFW Engine license, you can select any of the NGFW Engine roles. The role must correspond to the engine element (Firewall, Layer 2 Firewall, or IPS) that you defined in the Management Client. You can later change the engine’s role. If you have a license for a specific type of engine (Firewall/VPN or IPS), select the role that corresponds to the type of license you have.
    1. Highlight Role, then press Enter.
    2. Highlight Firewall, IPS, or Layer 2 Firewall, then press Enter.
  5. Select one of the following configuration methods:
    • Highlight Import, then press Enter to import a saved configuration.
    • Highlight Next, then press Enter to manually configure the engine’s settings.
  6. If you have stored the configuration on a USB drive, import the configuration.
    1. Select USB Memory, then press Enter.
    2. Select the correct configuration file.

      The files are specific to each engine node.

    3. Highlight Next, then press Enter.