Start the NGFW Configuration Wizard to configure settings for the Forcepoint NGFW engine.
If you are configuring a physical Forcepoint NGFW appliance, connect the appliance to a laptop or other client device.
Connect an Ethernet cable from the client device to physical port eth0_1 on the NGFW
If the NGFW appliance does not have a port eth0_1, use port eth1_0. If using
non-modular interfaces, use port eth1.
Connect the other network cables to the Forcepoint NGFW appliance.
Turn on the Forcepoint NGFW appliance.
To start the web browser version of the NGFW Configuration Wizard, open a web browser on the client device, then connect to
It might take some time for the web page to load.
When the NGFW Configuration Wizard offers a web browser client certificate, accept the certificate.