Web Privacy Settings

End user identifying information comprises user names and IP addresses. If you want to prevent this information from appearing only for some of your end users, ensure those users are all registered to a specific policy or policies.


  1. Select Anonymize end user information.
  2. Define whether to anonymize user information in all policies, or only selected policies.
    Note: If you select All policies, this applies to all existing policies and any new policies you create in the future.
  3. If you choose Only selected policies, select the policies you want from the Available policies list. Use the Ctrl and/or Shift keys to make multiple selections.
  4. Click the > button to move the policies into the Selected policies list.
  5. To override all privacy protection selections in the event of a security threat, mark Preserve end user information for security threats.
  6. Define the attributes that should be anonymized in web reports.
    • By default, User name, Connection IP, Source IP, and Workstation are all selected.

      When the Connection IP option is selected, the connection name is also anonymized.

    • You can select and clear the options most appropriate for your organization, but at least one check box must be selected.
    Note: If you have selected Preserve end user information for security threats, the attributes that you select are not anonymized for any web traffic considered to be a security risk.
  7. Click Save when done.