Using the Report Catalog

Use the Reporting > Report Center > Report Catalog page to access predefined reports for common scenarios.

The Report Catalog includes the following elements:

  • The Toolbar, at the top, contains buttons for returning to the previous page, creating new reports and folders, copying, sharing, and deleting items. Hover the mouse over a button to see a description of its function.
  • The folder list, in the left-hand pane, contains the following top-level folders:
    • The Favorites folder enables you to easily locate your most frequently-used reports. You can mark a report or report folder as a favorite in the following ways:
      • Click the star to the left of the report or folder name in the Report Catalog. The star turns yellow when selected.
      • Click the star to the right of the report name in the Report Builder or Transaction View. You do not need to save your changes.

      To remove a report from Favorites, click the star again to turn it gray.

      When viewing the Favorites folder, note that you are essentially viewing a list of shortcuts to the reports. Choose View in folder from a favorite report’s drop-down menu to see the report in its original folder.

    • My Reports contains all of the reports and folders that you create.
    • Standard Reports contains the predefined reports provided in the cloud service. If you have more than one service, separate subfolders contain the predefined reports for each service.

      For information about web and data security predefined reports, see Web predefined reports.

    • Shared by Others contains items that have been shared for use by all administrators in your account. Each folder has the user name of another administrator, and contains the reports shared by that administrator.

    If a folder contains one or more subfolders, click the arrow to see those subfolders in the left-hand page. Click a folder name to see its contents in the right-hand pane.

  • The table in the right-hand pane displays the contents of the folder you select in the folder list. This can be one or more subfolders, or a list of reports. To see a description of a particular report, hover the mouse over the report name.

    From this pane, you can perform actions on one or more reports and folders, such as copying, renaming, and deleting folders, or editing, running, or sharing a report. The actions available to you depend on the permissions configured. For example, you cannot delete reports in the Standard Reports folder. See Managing reports and Managing folders.

  • The Search field, in the top right corner, enables you to search for specific words or phrases in report titles. Search results list the report name, its location, and if applicable, the report owner and the last time it was edited. You can manage a report directly from the search results list. For example you can run it, or if you have suitable permissions, share or delete it.