
Your web protection product provides several reporting tools that can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your Internet access policies.

  • Web Dashboard charts provide threat, risk, usage, and system information to help you review Internet activity in your network at a glance. For most charts, the time period, chart style, and set of results shown can be customized, and you can also click columns or sections on a chart to drill down to the relevant report in the Report Builder. See Web dashboards.
  • Use the Report Builder to create Web Security and Data Security reports from scratch.
    • See Using the Report Builder for details about building reports.
    • See Report attributes: Web and Data Security for explanations of the attribute options in reports.
    • See Report metrics: Web and Data Security for information about the metrics available in reports.
  • The Report Catalog offers a list of predefined Web Security and Data Security reports. Copy any predefined report to apply your own filters to create a custom report.
    • See Using the Report Catalog for more information.
    • See Web predefined reports for information about the available reports.
  • The Transaction Viewer provides detailed information about web transactions and requests. You can drill into the Transaction Viewer from Web Security reports, or access it directly from the Reporting menu. See Using the Transaction Viewer.
  • The Incident Manager provides detailed information about data security incidents. You can drill into the Incident Manager from Data Security reports, or access it directly from the Reporting menu. See Using the Incident Manager.