Category exceptions

Exceptions allow the default action for a web category to be overridden for specified users and groups of users, and for defined time periods. For example, you can allow users to access certain categories outside of working hours, or apply a time quota between certain hours.

Define exceptions for a policy under Category Exceptions on the Web Categories tab. You can click a category to view the exception rules that apply to it.

Click Add to add a new exception.
Tip: Category exceptions are an easy way to apply more granular policy configuration for specific users and groups, without creating different policies.

For more information, see Exceptions in the Web Security Cloud help.

Testing filtering actions

To test how the proxy filters a specific website, use the Filtering Test feature on the Web > Policies page.

This feature can be used to test a specific URL for a named user, for traffic from your current IP address, an unknown IP address, or a specific IP address.