Self registration

You can add email domains to your policies in order to allow users to self-register with the service using their email address. For example, if your users have email addresses in the form ‘’, add ‘’. Add domains on the End Users tab of your policy, under Self Registration. Users registering using an email address at this domain will be assigned to the policy.

Domains can also be added at the account level, via Web > Settings > Domains. This allows you to associate the domain with all policies, allowing users to self-register to any policy in your account. The actual policy the user is assigned depends on the connection from which they connect - if this matches a proxied connection in a policy, the user is registered to that policy. Users connecting from unknown IP addresses are added to a default policy you can select. (See Configure Domain settings in the Web Security Cloud help.)

Users can self-register by clicking Register on the default logon page shown when they first attempt to browse, or by navigating directly to the self-registration URL:

For further information, see End user self-registration in the Web Security Cloud help.