Step 2: End Users

End user information can be sent to the cloud service in one of 2 ways:
  • Use System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) (recommended) to provision user and group identity data from a cloud-based identity provider to the cloud service.
  • Synchronize users from my directory (recommended when using a private Active Directory or LDAP) involves installing the Directory Synchronization Client in your network and configuring it to synchronize user and group information from your LDAP directory to the cloud service.
  • Manually enter end user information (name, email address, and NTLM identity) to use in testing. User details are added to policies using the End Users tab options.

System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)

Your identity provider must be configured to work with the cloud service so that user and group data can be synchronized from the provider. See How the service works with SCIM in Cloud Security Help for more details.

Note: Okta and Microsoft Azure Active Directory are the only identity provided currently supported.

Directory Synchronization

To enable directory synchronization between your LDAP directory and the cloud service, start by creating the contact with Directory Synchronization permissions. The user name and password will be used by the Directory Synchronization Client to connect to the cloud service.

Refer to the Directory Synchronization Client Administrator’s Guide for further information, including how to download and configure the client software.

Add Users manually

User accounts that you plan to use for testing can be added when a new policy is added. See the step for Adding end users when setting up a policy.