After downloading a script

The script can be run on Windows or Linux, and does the following:

  • Connects to the cloud service using the URL specified in the script
  • Optionally reports the log files available for download
  • Downloads the available log files to a location of your choice, or by default to the directory where the script is located
  • Optionally checks the MD5 hash of each downloaded file to verify the file’s integrity before deletion from the server
  • Uses the HTTP DELETE method to request that the cloud service delete the downloaded files

Running the script on Windows requires ActivePerl, which you can download from .

To see the ActivePerl modules required for running the script, open the script in a text editor. The modules are listed at the beginning of the file.

If you customize the sample script or choose to write your own script, you must always include the DELETE method to remove the downloaded files from the server. This is because files are only retained for 14 days, and any files that have not been deleted after 7 days will trigger a warning email. For more information, see Troubleshooting full traffic logging.