
Before you begin

When WebCatcher sends unrecognized and security-related URLs to Forcepoint, subsequent downloads of the Forcepoint URL Database include improvements and category revisions resulting from WebCatcher data. Only Super Administrators can modify these settings.
Important: The information sent to Forcepoint contains only URLs. It does not include individual user information.

The following type of information is sent when you activate WebCatcher. The IP address belongs to the machine hosting the URL, not the requester.

<URL HREF="http://www.ack.com/uncategorized/" CATEGORY="153" IP_ADDR="" NUM_HITS="1" />

To enable WebCatcher:


  1. Navigate to the Web > Settings > General > Account page in the Forcepoint Security Manager.
  2. Under WebCatcher, mark Send URL information to Forcepoint.
    • To submit uncategorized URLs to be evaluated for categorization, mark Send uncategorized URLs to improve URL categorization.
    • To send in security-related URLs to help track malicious website activity, mark Send security URLs to improve security effectiveness.
    • To keep a local copy of the information for your review, mark Save a copy of the data being sent to Security Labs.

      When this option is enabled, WebCatcher saves the data as unencrypted XML files in the Websense\Web Security\bin\ directory on the Log Server machine. These files are date and time stamped.

    • Select the Country of origin for your organization. This should be the country where the majority of Internet activity is being logged.
    • Specify a Maximum upload file size. When the maximum size is reached, collected WebCatcher data is sent automatically and a new file is started.
    • Use the Daily start time field to indicate a time each day when WebCatcher should send the data it has collected if the maximum file size has not been reached.
  3. Click OK to cache your changes, and then click Save and Deploy to implement them.