How do I back up and restore the Forcepoint management infrastructure?

The Forcepoint Infrastructure backup process saves:

  • Global configuration and infrastructure information, including administrator and appliance data, stored in the Settings Database.
  • Certificate files required for the Forcepoint Security Manager components.

When you either initiate an immediate backup (see Running immediate infrastructure backups) or define a backup schedule (see Scheduling management infrastructure backups), backup files are stored in the C:\EIPBackup directory by default. To change the backup location, see Changing backup settings.

The backup process checks all Forcepoint management infrastructure components on the machine, collects the data eligible for backup, and creates a new folder in the EIPBackup directory with the format:


This format represents the date and time of the backup (05-10-2011-10-45-30-PM, for example).

Important: Make sure that all administrators log off from the Forcepoint Security Manager before you back up or restore your configuration.