How do I back up and restore Forcepoint appliances?

Local backups are limited to 20. The oldest backup will be replaced with the newest when the limit of 20 is reached.

Two types of backup are available on Forcepoint appliances:

  • A full appliance configuration backup saves the appliance controller and all installed modules.

    Forcepoint recommends running a full backup on every appliance in your network on a regular basis. Note that the full backup file may be smaller than the module backup files, because of the compression used.

  • A module configuration backup saves configuration information for the selected module (Web or Email).
    • This includes any client and policy data stored on the selected appliance.
    • Web module backups include only data in the Web container. Neither the Network Agent or Content Gateway modules are included.

      Separate Content Gateway backups can be performed in the Content Gateway manager. See How do I back up and restore Content Gateway?.

      To include all modules, perform a full appliance backup.

      Important: Backups can be restored only on Forcepoint appliances of the same type and version. Thus, a V10000 G4, version 8.4 backup can be restored only on a V10000 G4, version 8.4 appliance. For complete details, see Restoring your appliance configuration.
      • Backups can also be performed and restored via the Forcepoint Security Appliance Manager (FSAM).
      • Refer to the latest Forcepoint Appliances CLI Guide for more information about the CLI and the most current updates to CLI commands.