Data size estimates

The Data Incident and Configuration Database is different from the Web and Email Log Databases in that it stores both configuration and log data. In addition, it logs only policy violations, not all events. In order to estimate the potential size of the Incident and Configuration Database, consider the following:

Feature Impact on Database Size
Discovery incidents 14 KB per incident
(not standard when all Typically, no more than 3.5 GB total
Forcepoint products are  
Network and endpoint incidents

10 KB per incident

Typically, 30 KB per user per month

User directory import data

8 KB per record

Typically, no more than 1 GB total

Configuration data 200 MB

As a general guideline, it is unlikely that your Data Incident and Configuration Database will require more than 9 GB of storage total, no matter how many users are in your environment.

The volume of configuration and incident data varies based on your use of Forcepoint DLP features as explained in Factors that affect reporting database size.