How to configure the settings

Before you begin

Secondary repositories are maintained by Content Gateway and Forcepoint Email Security. You can configure Forcepoint DLP to detect fingerprints from repositories local to those machines (best practice) or from a remote machine, such as the management server.

Periodically, you must synchronize the fingerprints in the secondary repositories with the ones on the management server. How often you synchronize depends on your business needs. For best performance, select a time with low traffic volume.

To configure these settings:


  1. Navigate to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page.
  2. Select Secondary Fingerprint Repository under the component or solution of interest.
  3. Choose the repository from which to detect fingerprints.
  4. Set the maximum cache size and synchronization frequency as needed.

Next steps

See “Configuring the fingerprint repository” in the Forcepoint DLP Administrator Help for instructions on configuring these settings.