Above average email traffic: recipients, quarantined messages, or spam

The sizing guidelines above are based on the following assumptions about the email traffic handled by Forcepoint Email Security. These assumptions are derived from the average email traffic pattern of Forcepoint customers over time.

  • There are an average of five recipients for each email message.
  • When the email hybrid service is not enabled, the ratio among spam messages, infected messages, and clean messages is 85-to-1-to-14.
  • The email hybrid service scans only inbound email traffic, and it can block 25% of spam.
  • All outbound and internal email messages are clean.

Note that Forcepoint Email Security counts the number of recipients for each message rather than the number of messages sent. Each recipient is counted as a transaction.

If the pattern of email traffic in your organization exceeds these averages, your storage capacity will vary.