Custom configuration for an eDirectory Agent instance

Before you begin

After configuring eDirectory Agent behavior in the Forcepoint Security Manager, you can customize the behavior of a specific eDirectory Agent instance in wsedir.ini, the agent’s initialization file.
  • Some eDirectory Agent settings can only be configured via the Security Manager.
  • Some settings can only be configured via the initialization file.
  • Parameters that can be modified via either method are marked with an asterisk (*).

To use wsedir.ini to configure an agent instance:


  1. Use the Windows Services tool or /opt/Websense/WebsenseDaemonControl command to stop eDirectory Agent.
  2. Navigate to the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin or / opt/Websense/bin/, by default) and open wsedir.ini in a text editor.
  3. Modify or add parameters and their values as described below.
  4. Save and close the INI file.
  5. Restart eDirectory Agent.

Next steps

The parameters and values described in this document are case-sensitive.

Before making changes to the initialization files, please consider that the default values are designed to maximize accuracy and efficiency in most environments. In most cases, Forcepoint recommends leaving the default values as they are.