Prerequisites for running the Windows logon script

  • If the logon script runs the logon application in persistent mode (sending logon information to Logon Agent at a specific interval), configure your Active Directory server not to run scripts synchronously.
  • Be sure that all computers can connect to the shared drive on the domain controller containing logon.bat and LogonApp.exe. You must copy both of these files from the machine running Logon Agent to both the logon and logout directories on the domain controller.

    To determine if a Windows machine has access to the domain controller, run the following command from a command prompt:

    net view /domain:<domain_name>

  • The TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service must be running on each Windows client machine that uses the logon application.
  • The logon application on client machines must use NTLM (v1 or v2) authentication to communicate with Logon Agent.

To prepare and run the logon scripts, see:

  • Prepare the Windows logon scripts
  • Configure the Windows logon scripts to run