JSON response to a status request

"Build Status" : "Done", 
"Cat Engine Health" : "OK", 
"HttpServer Health" : "OK", 
"Number of bad requests" : 0,
"Number of good requests" : 19, 
"Number of unauthorized accesses" : 0, 
"Number requesting bad paths" : 0, 
"Status" : [
"Deleted category: Api_Cat_106 (name)",
"Database cdb1477694574.db created at 10-28-2016
22:42:54.720233 for transaction "
"Total API-managed categories from last call" : 10, 
"Total IP addresses from last call" : 48,
"Total URLs from last call" : 254, 
"Total categories from last call" : 0, 
"Total connection errors" : 0,
"Total data fetch errors" : 3, 
"Total errors" : 0,
"Total locked transaction errors" : 0, 
"Total non-specialized Errors" : 0, 
"Total requests received" : 19,
"Total transaction errors" : 0