1: Detach the Log Database
Before you begin
To prepare to move the Web or Email Log Database, stop all of the SQL Server Agent jobs and wait for them to stop, then detach the database from its current SQL Server location.
- On the Log Server machine, use the Windows Services tool to stop the following services:
- Websense Log Server
- Websense Email Log Server
- On the SQL Server machine, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Log into the SQL Server instance that hosts the Log Database.
- Disable all web or email protection SQL Server Agent Jobs as follows:
- In the left navigation pane, click the SQL Server Agent folder for the instance hosting the Log Database.
- Click Jobs, and disable each of the Forcepoint jobs by right-clicking the job and selecting
The job names are in the format “Websense_xxx_<catalog database name>” where xxx is the type of job and <catalog database name> is the actual name of your catalog database (by default, wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).
Make sure that all of the jobs are completed before continuing. This could take several minutes or a few hours, depending on the details of your installation.
Contact your database administrator if you need assistance determining whether the jobs are completed.
Use T-SQL commands or a SQL Server backup tool to create a backup of the database.
Before continuing, verify that the backup files are valid.
To simply copy the database files to a new directory or disk, and then reattach them, continue to step 7.
To move the database to a new instance of SQL Server, first delete the web or email protection SQL Server Agent jobs after disabling them. To do this:
- In SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the old instance and expand the SQL Server Agent > Jobs tree.
- Right-click each job associated with wslogdb70 or esglogdb76 and select Delete. (The number of jobs depends on product version.)
In SQL Server Management Studio, use the following steps to detach the catalog database (default name wslogdb70 or esglogdb76), each standard logging partition database
(wslogdb70_x or esglogdb76_x) and the web protection threats (AMT) partition database (wslogdb_amt_1):
- Expand the Databases folder.
- Right-click one of the databases, and then select Tasks > Detach.
- Repeat this process for each database until the catalog database and all partition databases have been detached. The order does not matter because the Forcepoint SQL Server Agent Jobs are disabled (not running).
The web or email protection Log Database has now been detached from its original location.