Before you begin
Once the Log Database has been detached from its original location, move it to the new location, reattach it to SQL Server, and recreate the SQL Server Agent jobs.
- Navigate to the directory selected for the Log Database during Log Server installation.
- Move all database files ending in .mdf and .ldf to the new location.
There should be an mdf file and an ldf file for each database detached in the previous procedure.
On the SQL Server machine, open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio for the new SQL Server instance, then attach each standard logging (wslogdb70_x or esglogdb76_x) and the web
protection threats (AMT) partition database (wslogdb_amt_1) as follows:
- Expand the nodes in the left navigation pane until the Databases folder is displayed, then right-click that folder.
- Select Attach, then click Add.
- Navigate to the location of the Log Database mdf and ldf files, then select a partition database mdf file.
- Repeat this process for each standard logging and threats partition database.
- Click OK when all partition databases have been selected.
Use the same procedure to attach the catalog database (by default, wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).
To create the SQL Server Agent jobs:
- Open the Query window and point to the catalog database (default name wslogdb70 or esglogdb76).
- Execute the following stored procedure:
exec dbo.usp_update_views;
exec dbo.usp_create_background_jobs;
Next steps
If a Web or Email Log Database is being migrated, continue with Update Log Server and Log Database settings.