Configure local settings

Before you begin

Refer to Planning Worksheets 2 and 3 for help in configuring local settings. Only the selected Network Agent instance uses these settings.


  1. Under Settings > Network Agent, highlight or mouse over Global, then select the IP address of the Network Agent instance that you want to configure.
    When the local settings page opens, the IP address of the selected instance appears in the title bar at the top of the content pane.
  2. Select the Filtering Service IPv4 address that identifies the Filtering Service instance with which this Network Agent will communicate (Planning Worksheet 2). If Network Agent and Filtering Service are installed on the same machine, the local IP address is selected by default.
  3. Indicate whether Network Agent should block or permit all requests If Filtering Service is not available.
  4. Under the Network Interface Cards list, use the Proxies and Caches list to specify any proxy or cache machines that monitored machines use to access the Internet. This keeps Network Agent from identifying requests from both the client machine and the proxy or cache machine, which could result in duplicate log records or incorrect filtering.
    Click Add to include a proxy or cache IP address in the list.
  5. Expand Advanced Network Agent Settings.
    1. With Forcepoint Web Security, or when Forcepoint URL Filtering is integrated with a third-party product, verify that the Integration manages HTTP traffic on ports value is correct. (The default is 80, 8080.)

      If you have installed your web protection software in standalone mode, all ports are monitored and the field is disabled.

    2. If you want Network Agent to ignore traffic on specific ports, mark Configure this Network Agent instance to ignore traffic on the following ports, and then enter one or more ports in a comma-separated list.

      This may be used to prevent double logging of HTTPS traffic.

    Do not make changes to the Debug Settings options unless directed to do so by Technical Support.

  6. Click OK to cache your changes. Changes are not saved until you click Save and Deploy.