Configure Global settings
Before you begin
Refer to Planning Worksheet 1 for help in configuring Network Agent Global settings. All Network Agent instances in your network use these settings.
- In the Web module of the Forcepoint Security Manager, go to the Settings > Network Agent > Global page.
- Make sure that the Ignore Internal Traffic list includes all IP addresses in your network.
Important: This information is not used to determine which machines are monitored for policy enforcement. Instead, it allows Network Agent to ignore internal communications while monitoring Internet traffic.
An initial set of entries is provided by default. You can add additional entries, or edit or delete existing entries.
IP addresses and ranges in the list may use IPv4 or IPv6 format.
Be sure to include all IP addresses that are part of your network, whether or not you want Network Agent to monitor traffic to or from the machine. Later, you will configure whether Network Agent monitors traffic to specific internal IP addresses, and specify which IP addresses are monitored for outgoing Internet traffic.
- Click Add to add an IP address or IP address range to the list.
- Click an entry in the list to edit it.
- Mark the check box next to an entry, and then click Delete to remove it from the list.
IP address ranges in the list cannot overlap, and you cannot enter an individual IP address that falls within a range already in the list.
Use the Internal Traffic to Monitor list to specify internal IP addresses (included in the network definition list) for which you do want Network Agent to monitor
connections from other internal IP addresses. You might include internal web servers, for example, to help track access to internal resources.
- Any requests sent from within the network to the specified internal machines is monitored by Network Agent. This traffic can be filtered and will appear in reports.
- By default, the list is blank.
Use the Additional Settings options allow you to determine how often Network Agent calculates bandwidth usage, and whether and how often protocol traffic is logged:
Field What to do Bandwidth calculation interval Enter a number between 1 and 300 to specify how frequently, in seconds, Network Agent should calculate bandwidth usage. An entry of 300, for example, indicates that Network Agent will calculate bandwidth every 5 minutes.
The default is 10 seconds.
Log protocol traffic periodically Mark this option to log protocol traffic for use in reports, and to enable the Logging interval field. Logging interval Enter a number between 1 and 300 to specify how frequently, in minutes, Network Agent logs information about protocol traffic. An entry of 60, for example, indicates that Network Agent will write to the log file every hour.
The default is 1 minute.
- When you are finished making changes, click OK to cache the changes. Changes are not implemented until you click Save and Deploy.