Can I review Log Server cache files?

Log Server creates temporary cache files (ODBC cache files or BCP files) to hold Internet activity data until it is forwarded to the Log Database. As each cache file is processed, it is deleted.

If you need to review cache files for troubleshooting, Log Server can be configured to move the files instead of deleting them:


  1. Use the Windows Services tool to stop the Websense Log Server service.
  2. Navigate to the web protection bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin\, by default) on the Log Server machine.
  3. Open the logserver.ini file in a text editor.
  4. In the [LogFile] section, change the MoveCacheFile parameter to TRUE.
    MoveCacheFile = TRUE
  5. Set the MoveCacheFilePath to a valid path. This path can be on the local machine or be a mapped drive, but the directory must already exist. For example:
    MoveCacheFilePath = H:\WebsenseLogs\Cache\
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Use the Windows Services tool to start the Websense Log Server service.

Next steps

The next time Log Server forwards cache file information to the Log Database, the temporary cache files are moved to the new location rather than deleted.

When you enable this option, it may require significant disk space. When you are finished troubleshooting your issue, repeat the above steps, but reset the value of MoveCacheFile to FALSE.