Is it possible to save presentation reports to a custom folder?

Before you begin

Scheduled presentation reports are automatically saved to disk on the management server machine. By default, they are saved in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\ Web Security\ReportingOutput\ directory.

Use the Main > Reporting > Presentation Reports > Review Reports page in the Web module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view these saved reports from within the management console. Since the file names assigned to report files bear no relation to the report name, the Review Reports page is the best way to locate and print or view previously-generated scheduled reports.

If the default reporting output location does not work for your organization (for example, because the files are using significant disk space but you need to retain them), you can specify a custom location as follows:


  1. On the management server machine, navigate to the C:\ Program Files (x86)\ Websense\Web Security\tomcat\conf\ directory.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the line that begins with reporting.output.
  4. Change the default entry to specify a different location.

    Use the file path format used in the default entry: two path separator characters (“\”) are required between folder names.

    A missing \ character will cause the scheduled report to fail.

  5. Save your changes.

Next steps

The next time a scheduled presentation report runs, the file is stored in the new location.

Note that changing reporting.output value means that older reports no longer appear on the Review Reports page. Only reports in the specified location are displayed.